How counseling together can increase unity and revelation in Sunday Relief Society meetings (2024)

Sister J. Anette Dennis, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, recently visited a Sunday Relief Society meeting in which the lesson discussion was on making and keeping covenants.

One sister vulnerably expressed that it is difficult for her to attend church because her children don’t want to be there. She asked for counsel from her fellow sisters.

An older sister, who said she has some children who are no longer active in the Church, offered genuine understanding and faithful perspective. Another sister, whose husband is not active, shared her challenging experience but also the joy she felt that her husband had attended sacrament meeting with her that day.

“They were counseling together during this time of gospel instruction and discussion, and it was beautiful,” Sister Dennis observed. As they counseled together, the sisters learned from each other and from the Spirit.

Relief Society GeneralPresident Camille N. Johnsonsaid, “Relief Society should be a safe place where sisters can share their experiences, counsel together, contribute to meaningful gospel instruction, and where they feel the love of Heavenly Father and the Savior.”

Relief Society isn’t only Sunday instruction, saidSister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency.

“Heavenly Father meant so much more for His daughters in this space,” Sister Yee said. “We are meant to counsel together and to receive the revelation that is scattered among each of us to help one another. There is a reason we’re all in that same geographical space. He knew the problems we would face, and He knows the spiritual and temporal resources that are within our own Relief Societies.”

How counseling together can increase unity and revelation in Sunday Relief Society meetings (1)

Enhancing Sunday Relief Society meetings

General Handbook section identifies four purposes for Sunday Relief Society meetings: to strengthen faith, build unity, strengthen families and homes, and make plans to help accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation.

“The meeting begins with a presidency member conducting any business,” the handbook states. “For example, the sisters may counsel together about aspects of accomplishing the work of salvation and exaltation. Sufficient time should then be given to meaningful gospel instruction and discussion.

“Relief Society meetings focus on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference. The Relief Society presidency prayerfully selects messages to discuss based on sisters’ needs. Hymns may be sung to enhance a lesson. Meetings should end with a prayer.”

Counseling together about the work of salvation and exaltation

Beginning the meeting by counseling together can be “a natural lead-in” to the gospel instruction and discussion portion of the meeting, President Johnson explained.

As the Relief Society presidency prayerfully considers subjects to counsel about with their sisters, they might ask, “What needs do our sisters have?”

“With confidence, we rely upon Relief Society presidencies to connect with heaven, to know what is needful for the sisters in their stewardship.We trust our Relief Society presidencies will be inspired.We know the Lord trusts them.This is a ‘higher and holier’ way,” President Johnson said.

During this counseling time, the presidency member who is conducting has an opportunity to model what is hoped for in the remainder of the meeting: meaningful gospel instruction with a focus on the Savior.

What does counseling together about the work of salvation and exaltation look like?

Section 1.2 of the General Handbook explains how to participate in the work of salvation and exaltation: “As we come unto Christ and help others do the same, we participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This work is guided by the two great commandments to love God and to love our neighbors.”

The work of salvation and exaltation includes living the gospel of Jesus Christ, caring for those in need, inviting all to receive the gospel and uniting families for eternity.

Sister Dennis said: “There are so many topics we can counsel about. Seek the Lord’s guidance on what is most needful for the sisters. Some topics may need more than one Sunday counseling time; let the Spirit guide. Always connect the Savior to whatever topic is being discussed, even when it seems to be a topic more temporal in nature. These spaces of counseling together can build strength in the sisters, unity in sisterhood, and greater faith in the Savior.”

How counseling together can increase unity and revelation in Sunday Relief Society meetings (2)

For example, the sisters may counsel together about how to engage their children and grandchildren in a discussion of the new “For the Strength of Youth” guide.

Perhaps they may counsel about what they are doing to take charge of their own testimonies of Jesus Christ as President Russell M. Nelson has pleaded for all to do.

If a natural disaster occurs in the area, a Relief Society could counsel about needs among the sisters and the community.

“When the Relief Society meeting begins with sisters counseling together, in a spirit of love, they will be more receptive to the Spirit during the gospel instruction and meaningful participation and counseling will continue,” President Johnson said.

“Our Relief Society presidencies are going to learn what is on the minds of their sisters if this is happening,” she added.

Leading this counseling time “will take practice,” Sister Yee said. “Don’t be discouraged if it didn’t go the way you expect at times.

“We’re in this together,” she reassured. “We’re learning and doing this together.”

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How counseling together can increase unity and revelation in Sunday Relief Society meetings (2024)


How do you conduct a Relief Society meeting? ›

Relief Society meetings focus on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference. The Relief Society presidency prayerfully selects messages to discuss based on sisters' needs. Hymns may be sung to enhance a lesson. Meetings should end with a prayer.

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Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement; strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants; and work in unity to help those in need.

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The purposes of Relief Society give sisters divine direction in their efforts to build the Lord's kingdom. As sisters fulfill these purposes, they prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life. Relief Society leaders labor to help sisters learn and fulfill their duties.

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Anette Dennis as first counselor and Sister Kristin M. Yee as second counselor.

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Activity coordinator, assistants, and committee:

Help the Relief Society presidency coordinate the planning of Relief Society activities to help sisters: Learn and practice skills (9.2. 1.3). Apply principles of provident living and spiritual and temporal self-reliance (9.2.

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“You will serve your organization, your cause—the Relief Society—this great circle of sisters. Your every need shall be fulfilled, now, and in the eternities; every neglect will be erased; every abuse will be corrected. All of this can come to you, and come quickly, when you devote yourself to Relief Society.” (Boyd K.

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The motto “Charity Never Faileth” expresses the commitment of Relief Society members to love and nurture one another and to minister graciously to the needs of Church members and others.

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Today, more than 5.5 million women in 170 countries claim membership in Relief Society, which is one of the world's oldest and largest organization for women.

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This is the primary purpose of Divine revelation: to give us the truths necessary to be believed and lived in order that we may get to Heaven. Divine revelation is all about God unveiling Himself to us so that we can come into relationship with Him and know, love, and serve Him so as to enter into eternal beatitude.

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Through this revelation, God communicates the mysteries of the faith and personal knowledge of Christ to his people. Scripture is the written form of special revelation, providing God's people with an enduring witness to the work of God in Christ.

Why is it called the Relief Society? ›

The Relief Society, as this institution came to be called, was originally organized to administer welfare needs and quickly expanded to encompass the spiritual as well as temporal needs of the Saints.

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Develop and set a clear goal and agenda for the meeting and communicate this widely. Invite participation from a cross section of the community. If possible, consider using two facilitators for each meeting. One leads the discussion, the other takes notes, but make sure you have permission from the group to take notes.

What are the objectives of the Relief Society? ›

The following objectives support the purpose of the Relief Society: Build faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and teach the doctrines of the kingdom of God. Emphasize the divine worth of each sister. Exercise charity and nurture those in need.

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Meetings: Home, family, and personal enrichment meetings held quarterly (rather than monthly) for all sisters. Activities: Enrichment activities offered regularly (weekly, monthly, or as determined by ward Relief Society leaders) for sisters with similar needs and interests.

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Ward Relief Society Secretaries

Attend meetings, take notes, track assignments (9.2. 3). Schedule ministering interviews (9.2. 3).


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