Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (2024)

Pitchfork Foodie » Bread » Yeast Bread » Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe (No-Knead)

Yeast Bread

By: Amy on &nbsp|Updated:

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There is nothing that say’s welcome home like the smell of freshly baked bread! MyWhole Wheat French Breadis a no-knead recipe and still produces a light fluffy loaf of bread!

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (1)

It doesn’t matter how many times I explain to my boys that whole wheat bread is better for them than white bread they still stick loaves of white bread in the cart every time they go shopping with me. They tell me about all of their friends who have cool moms who buy white bread, as if I care! I’m not going to lie I like white bread too, and I buy it ALL the time so don’t feel bad for my boys, they aren’t deprived. However, I like wheat bread equally as well and prefer it because it is so much healthier. Okay…off my soapbox.

If you are looking for a delicious way to get a little more whole grains in your/your children’s dietWhole Wheat French Breadis a fantastic place to start. This recipe doesn’t require any kneading, if it did I likely wouldn’t make it. Each loaf is super soft and light! Just think about grabbing a warm slice of bread and slathering it in butter! It doesn’t get any better than that!

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (2)

Step by step instructions for making French bread made with whole wheat.

Begin by adding warm water to a bowl. Sprinkle yeast and sugar over water. Let sit until bubbly. Usually about 15 minutes.

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (3)

Add dry ingredients and oil.

Let it mix in stand mixer until combined. Check consistency to ensure a soft dough that’s just past the “not sticky” stage. Add a little more flour if the dough is still sticky.

Let the mixer “knead” the dough on low speed for 5 minutes.

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (4)

Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place for about 10 minutes.

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (5)

Punch dough down. You can use this as a stress reliever if you want!

Cover dough again and repeat that process 2 more times for a total of 30 minutes.
Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (6)After 30 minutes of repeatingthat process remove dough from bowl and set on a floured countertop.

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (7)

Divide dough in half and shape into long loaves. Slice the tops of each loaf in a diagonal cut.

Place loaves on baking sheet. Brush tops of loaves with beaten egg.

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (8)


Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (9)
Slice bread, slather with butter, and enjoy!

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (10)

What to serve with French Bread?

Whole Wheat French Bread is fantastic eaten by itself but it’s also awesome served with these easy soup recipes and easy Italian recipes

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (11)

Whole Wheat French Bread

4.39 from 18 votes

Author Amy

Course Bread

Cuisine American

Servings 2 loaves

Prep Time 1 hour hr

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 40 minutes mins

There's nothing like coming home to the smell of freshly baked whole wheat french bread! This is a no knead recipe which makes it totally doable to me. It's perfect served with a nice hot bowl of soup!


  • 2 1/2 cup warm water
  • 2 TBSP yeast
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 cup whole wheat flour add more as needed


  • Combine warm water, yeast and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer. Let sit for about 10 minutes until bubbly and activated.

  • Add remaining ingrdients. Using a dough hook mix until combined. Check consistency of dough. Dough should be soft but not sticky. If it is too sticky add additional flour one Tablespoon at a time until consistency is soft.

  • Continue mixing dough on low speed for 5 mintues.

  • Cover bowl with towel and allow to sit in a warm place for 10 minutes. Punch dough down. Cover and repeat process tow more times for a total of 30 minutes of rising.

  • After the third time divide the dough in half. Shape in two long loaves on a floured surface. Place loaves on a greased baking sheet.

  • Cut diagonal slices in the tops of each loaf. Whisk egg whie. Brush with egg mixture.

  • Cover and let rise about 15-20 minutes.

  • Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

  • Let sit in bread pans for a couple minutes, then turn out onto a cooling rack and let cool.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 1696kcal | Carbohydrates: 294g | Protein: 49g | Fat: 47g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Sodium: 1754mg | Potassium: 1345mg | Fiber: 40g | Sugar: 35g | Vitamin A: 32IU | Calcium: 122mg | Iron: 13mg

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (12)

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Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (13)

Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (14)

Reader Interactions


    • Amy Engberson says

      I haven’t ever tried making it without a stand mixer. I think it would be too stiff for a handheld mixer. You could stir it by hand probably. Let me know if you try making it by hand.


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Easy Whole Wheat French Bread Recipe - Pitchfork Foodie Farms (2024)


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