Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)

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A sensational side dish that’s so easy to make, what’s not to love about roasted shallots?

Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (1)

Irresistible tangy honey-glazed shallots make a great side or even a simple roasted snack. With flavors that combine perfectly to create a tender, melt-in-your-mouth taste, this roasted shallot recipe is an absolute must!

Products you need for this recipe

  • Ovenproof frying pan – you’ll need a quality frying pan that you can transfer to the oven.
  • Mixing bowl – soak each shallot in a bowl before cooking.
  • Wooden spoon – you’ll need a spoon to mix the flavors in, making sure each shallot is covered.
  • Colander – invest in a quality colander to drain before the shallot peeling.
  • Worcestershire sauce – this one of kind seasoning sauce will give this recipe an amazing taste.
  • Balsamic vinegar – get hold of a quality balsamic vinegar to give this recipe an extra special taste.
  • Honey – the secret ingredient that takes this recipe to another level, honey will help produce an unbelievable glaze.

Roasted shallots recipe

A heavenly mix of simple flavors, roasted shallots recipes like this one are so easy to make and so delicious to eat. A simple two-stage cooking process – first in the pan, finished off in the oven – preparing this recipe takes no time at all.

So, if you’re a big fan of sweet tangy side dish recipes, you have to give these roasted shallots a try.

Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2)

What are shallots?

They’re like little delicious onions, but with a flavor of their own. Their flavor is delicate and sweet, similar to an onion but without the pungent intensity.

There are lots of great recipes with shallots. They can be eaten raw, finely sliced into salads with a drizzle of olive oil for a little sweet oniony flavor. Or, you can roast them, like in this recipe, for an extra sweet, lighter taste.

What is the difference between onion and shallot?

Onion and shallot come from the same group of plants – the allium family.

Unlike onion, which grows as a single bud, the shallot grows in clusters, a bit like garlic.

They’re a bit sweeter than onions and have a milder flavor. This makes them better in a salad than onions, as the flavor isn’t quite so potent.

Although there are a few little differences, you can definitely substitute one for the other, especially in roast recipes.

When you need onions for a roast recipe but can’t find any, just drizzle some shallots with salt and olive oil. One medium onion equates roughly to 3 shallots..

What do roasted shallots taste like?

When eaten raw, they have a strong, pungent flavor. When you roast them, you give them a completely different flavor. A subtle sweetness and melt-in-your-mouth buttery richness make roasted shallots taste amazing.

How do you cook shallots?

To make the best tasting roasted shallots, large shallots work best. Cook them in a pan with a bit of water, as well as some butter, Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.

Then, put them in the oven for a short time to finish them off. When you roast them with water and honey, you’ll end up with a beautifully silky, finger-licking-good glaze. The salt and pepper add a little extra flavor.

If you don’t have the time to make roasted shallots in the oven, you can also fry them. A bit of olive oil and a pinch of salt are enough to make shallots taste great.

What do roasted shallots go well with?

  • Grilled calamari – roasted shallots go well with grilled seafood and few things in life are as satisfying as fresh calamari on the grill. This calamari recipe is easy to cook – add a roasted shallot side and you’ve got a mouthwatering combination.
  • Grilled halloumi – this superb grilled cheese recipe will have you salivating as it cooks. Add a roasted shallot side dish and you’ll be in pure foodie bliss.
Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (3)

More recipes for shallots

If you like this recipe, sink your teeth into these delicious dishes.

  • Lamb steaks with shallots and red wine sauce – lamb, shallot, red wine sauce – what’s not to like? This lamb recipe is the perfect Sunday dinner dish. Try it once and it’ll become a firm favorite. Best of all, it’s super easy – you can prepare this dish in 30 minutes.
  • Duck liver parfait – a delicious delicacy, duck liver parfait has a unique flavor that tastes absolutely incredible spread across a slice of crusty bread. The subtle shallot sweetness goes so well with duck liver.
  • Lamb noisettes with rosemary sauce – another luscious lamb recipe, this dish is heavenly. The shallot is cooked in olive oil, white wine vinegar and double cream, with rosemary added to create a super tasty sauce that goes incredibly well with the lamb.
  • Bami goreng – a traditional Southeast Asian dish, this crispy noodle recipe is healthy, tasty and very easy to cook.
  • Venison sausage casserole with mushrooms, lentils and chestnuts – this is comfort food at its finest! The shallot work wonders in this casserole, bringing a little sweetness to an amazing casserole that’ll leave your taste buds tingling.

More side dish recipes

  • roast marrow
  • parmentier potatoes
  • tobacco onions
  • rosemary potatoes

What’s your favorite thing to do with shallots? Let me know in the comments below.


📖 Recipe

Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (4)

Roasted Shallots

★★★★★5 from 3 reviews
  • Author: Michelle Minnaar
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 4 side dish servings 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian
Print Recipe


Make these irresistible roasted shallots. The five key ingredients for making this glossy glaze are Worcestershire sauce, honey, balsamic vinegar, butter and honey! The glaze works with other vegetables too.




  1. Put the shallots in a bowl, add cold water to cover and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Drain and peel away the skins, then slice in half lengthwise.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C / 400°F / gas mark 6.
  3. Tip the shallots into an ovenproof frying pan and add just enough cool water to cover. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Drain well and return the shallots to the pan.
  5. Add all of the remaining ingredients and stir until the shallots are well coated with the glaze.
  6. Place in the oven for 10 minutes or until the shallots are golden and the liquid is reduced and syrupy.
  7. Serve as a side dish. Enjoy!


  • This side-dish is very versatile and will go well with almost anything, especially grilled meat and fish.
  • The sauce is seriously moreish so if you really liked it the first time, why not double the sauce ingredients while using the same amount of onions?
  • Keep a close eye to the shallots when they go in the oven. Due to the sauce’s high sugar content, it can burn easily.
  • Prep Time: 25 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Side Dish
  • Method: Roast
  • Cuisine: French

Keywords: roasted shallots, glazed shallots, shallot recipe, vegetarian shallot side dish, shallots with sweet and tangy sauce

Roasted Shallots - A Tangy Side Dish Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)


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